Screaming in the Cloud: Complex Tech, Public Learning, & Impostor Syndrome with Kyler Middleton

Kyler Middleton
2 min read5 days ago



Hey all!

Come listen to this once-librarian, tells the story of how I became a tech pro. I highlights the importance of learning and sharing what you know, especially in tech. We also get into how AI is changing the game for new techies and what that means if you’re starting. My take on using and teaching tech hopefully offers some really helpful tips for anyone looking to get into or move up in the tech world.

Come See it on

I’m moving most of my posting over to my own website,, which lets me spend more time on my projects, and hopefully drum up enough interest that I can publish bigger projects (and then release them for free!).

I’ll be writing up a better summary of why I made this choice soon, but for now, please check out the content of this post over here:

Come listen to this once-librarian, tells the story of how I became a tech pro. I highlights the importance of learning and sharing what you know, especially in tech. We also get into how AI is changing the game for new techies and what that means if you’re starting. My take on using and teaching tech hopefully offers some really helpful tips for anyone looking to get into or move up in the tech world.

Thanks all! Good luck out there.



Kyler Middleton

DevNetSecOps, DevRel, cloud security chick. I will teach you, it’s unavoidable. She/Her 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈, INFJ-A, support the EFF!